Sometime we get to fly
I got the opportunity to work on a Beaver, reliving the past and better yet I got to fly it around. There are somethings I will never forget and the sound of a P+W 985 is one of them.
Sometimes you just have to take a step to the side and help a Friend. He busted up a window in his Airstream and has been looking for 2 years to find someone to fix it, then a mutual friend said ” take it to John “, what are friends for? So I ended up…
After months of rehab 61A is getting near the end. As usual the last 10% is 90% of the job but it is all coming together. Overhauled gear from Landing gear works…..not cheap but not bent…
Some times you have to just have to keep on running and sooner or later you will get where you are going but only to find that you are not at the finish.
I do not think there is one part we have not touched on this 180. It is truly a feeling of accomplishment when you bring an airplane back to life and even more when it is a 180. We skipped the paint deciding that the paint could come later the fun part about leaving the…
Fabricated new inspection panels and doublers with the help of my CNC master and local machine shop…